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  1. Chen, J. C. F., Chi, W. C.*, & Yang, C. F. (2021). Seismically Derived Ground Tilts Related to the 2010 Chilean Tsunami. Seismological Research Letters.doi: 10.1785/0220200288.

  2. Yang, C. F.*, Chi, W. C.*, & van Haren, H. (2021). Deep-sea turbulence evolution observed by multiple closely spaced instruments. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.

  3. Kunath, P., Chi, W. C.*, Berndt, C., Chen, L., Liu, C. S., Kläschen, D., & Muff, S. (2020). A Shallow Seabed Dynamic Gas Hydrate System off SW Taiwan: Results From 3‐D Seismic, Thermal, and Fluid Migration Analyses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(11).

  4. Bernal-Olaya, R., Chi, W. C., Kunath P., Higgs, B., Sanchez, J., & Berndt, C. (2020). A gas hydrate site with bi-verging folding in the outer wedge offshore SW Taiwan: Results from kinematic structural modeling and finite strain analysis. Tectonophysics, 790, 228540.

  5. van Haren, H., Chi, W. C., Yang, C. F., Yang, Y. J., & Jan, S. (2020). Deep sea floor observations of typhoon driven enhanced ocean turbulence. Progress in Oceanography, 184 102315.

  6. Toh, A., Chen, W. J., Takeuchi, N., Dreger, D. S., Chi, W. C., & Ide, S. (2020). Influence of a Subducted Oceanic Ridge on the Distribution of Shallow VLFEs in the Nankai Trough as Revealed by Moment Tensor Inversion and Cluster Analysis. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(15).

  7. Ariyoshi, K., Kuwano‑Yoshida, A., & Chi, W. C. (2019). Preface of “Earthquake, volcanism, and physical oceanography”. Marine Geophysical Research, 40(4).

  8. Wu, T. W., Chi, W. C.*, Lin, Y. S., & Chen, S. C. (2019). Temperature as a Tracer for Fluid Movement at Hydrothermal Sites Near the Yonaguni Knoll IV, Okinawa Trough. Terrestrial, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, 30(5), 695-704.

  9. Chien, S. H. J., Chi, W. C.*, Ke, C. C. (2019). Precursory and coseismic groundwater temperature perturbation: An example from Taiwan. Journal of Hydrology, 582, 124457. 

  10. Han, W. C., Chen, L., Liu, C. S., Berndt, C., Chi, W. C. (2019). Seismic analysis of the gas hydrate system at Pointer Ridge offshore SW Taiwan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 105, 158-167.

  11. Berndt, C, Chi, W. C., Jegen, M., Lebas, E., Crutchley, G., Muff, S., Hölz, S., Sommer, M., Lin, S., Liu, C. S., Lin, A. T., Klaeschen, D., Klaucke, I., Chen, L., Hsu, H. H., Kunath, P., Elger, J., McIntosh, K., & Feseker, T. (2019). Tectonic controls on gas hydrate distribution off Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 124(2), 1164-1184.

  12. Sahoo, S. K., Chi, W. C.*, Han, W. C., Chen, L., Liu, C. S., & Wang, Y. (2018). Estimating the composition of gas hydrate using 3D seismic data from Penghu Canyon, offshore Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 29(2), 105-115.

  13. Chang, K., Chi, W. C.*, Chen, R. F., & Rau, R. J. (2018). Load-induced seismicity near Tsaoling, Taiwan. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 282, 21-24.

  14. Yang, C. F., Chi, W. C.*, & Lai, Y. J. (2018). Seismically detected ground tilts induced by precipitation and fluvial processes: An example from Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(6), 4814-4828.

  15. Zander, T., Haeckel, M., Berndt, C., Chi, W. C., Klaucke, I., Bialas, J., Klaeschen, D., Koch, S., & Atgın O. (2017). On the origin of multiple BSRs in the Danube deep-sea fan, Black Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 462, 15-25 

  16. Han, W. C., Liu, C. S., Chi, W. C., Chen, L., Lin, C. C., & Chen, S. C. (2017). Westward advance of the deformation front and evolution of submarine canyons offshore of southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 149, 6-19.

  17. Berndt, C., Hensen, C., Mortera-Gutierrez, C., Sarkar, S, Geilert, S., Schmidt, M., Liebetrau, V., Kipfer, R., Scholz, F., Doll, M., Muff, S., Karstens, J., Planke, S., Petersen, S., Böttner, C., Chi, W. C., Moser, M., Behrendt, R., Fiskal, A., Lever, M. A., Su, C. C., Deng, L., Brennwald, M. S., & Lizarralde, D. (2016). Rifting under steam—How rift magmatism triggers methane venting from sedimentary basins. Geology, 44(9), 767-770.

  18. Klaucke, I., Berndt, C., Chi, W. C., Lin, S., & Muff, S. (2015). Fluid venting and seepage at accretionary ridges: An example from Four Way Closure Ridge offshore SW Taiwan. Geo-Marine Letters, 77, 150-160.

  19. Chi, W. C.*, Chen, L., Liu, C. S., & Brookfield, M. (2014). On the development of arc-continent collision ophiolitic mélanges: linking onshore geological with offshore geophysical observations of the Pliocene Lichi Mélange, southern Taiwan and northern Luzon arc, western Pacific. Tectonophysics, 636, 70-82.

  20. Chen, L., Chi, W. C.*, Wu, S. K., Liu, C. S., Shyu, C. T., Wang, Y., & Lu, C. Y. (2014). Two Dimensional Fluid Flow Models at Two Gas Hydrate Sites Offshore Southwestern Taiwan. Journal of Asia Earth Sciences, 92(245-253)

  21. Wu, S. K., Chi, W. C.*, Hsu, S. M., Ke, C. C., & Wang, Y. (2013). Shallow crustal thermal structures of central Taiwan foothills region. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24, 695-707.

  22. Chi, W. C.*, Lee, W. H. K., Lin, C. J., & Liu, C. C. (2013). Inverting Ground Motion from a Seismometer Array to obtain the Vertical Component of Rotation: A Test Using Data from Explosions. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 66, 55-62.

  23. Chi, W. C.* (2012). Coseismic indentor-related deformation during the termination of Subduction and its associated geophysical characteristics: An Example from Taiwan. Lithosphere, 4(6), 594-602.

  24. Chen, L., Chi, W. C.*, & Lu, C. Y. (2012). Estimating 1D vertical fluid migration rates and geothermal gradients in shallow marine sediments using bottom-simulating reflectors. Western Pacific Earth Sciences, 11,103-114.

  25. Chi, W. C.* (2012). The 2003 Big Bear, California Earthquake Sequence: a Coulomb Stress Transfer-related Aftershock Sequence that also Follows Aftershock Diffusion Process. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102(4), 1908-1912.

  26. Chen, L., Chi, W. C.*, Liu, C. S., Shyu, C. T., & Wang, Y. (2012). Deriving Regional Vertical Fluid Migration Rates Offshore Southwestern Taiwan Using Bottom-Simulating Reflectors. Marine Geophysical Research, 33(4), 379-388.

  27. Chi, W. C.*, Wu, S. K., Lee, C. R., Chiang, H. T., Shyu, C. T., & Lin W. (2011). Current Field Operations of Taiwan’s Geothermal Research: A Case Study of Crustal Geothermal Gradients in Tungho, Taitung, Taiwan. Taiwan Mining, 64(4), 1-7.

  28. Chi, W. C.*, Lee, W. H. K., Aston, J. A. D., Lin, C. J., & Liu, C. C. (2011). Inversion of ground motion data from a seismometer array for rotation using a modification of Jeager’s method. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101(6), 3105-3109.

  29. Chang, K., Chi, W. C.*, Gung, Y., Dreger, D., Lee, W. H. K., & Chiu, H. C. (2011). Moment Tensor Inversions using Strong Motion Waveforms of Taiwan TSMIP Data. 1993-2009. Tectonophysics, 511, 53-66.

  30. Lin, C. J., Huang, H. P., Pham, N. D., Liu, C. C., Chi, W. C., & Lee, W. H. K. (2011). Rotational motions for teleseismic surface waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(15).

  31. Lin, C. R., Kuo, B. Y., Liang, W. T., Chi, W. C., Huang, Y. C., Collins, J., & Wang, C. Y. (2010). Ambient noise and teleseismic signals recorded by ocean-bottom seismometers offshore eastern Taiwan. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 21,743-755.

  32. Wang, J. H., Chi, W. C.*, Edwards, R. N., & Willoughby, E. C. (2010). Effects of sea states on seafloor compliance studies. Marine Geophysical Researches, 31(1-2), 99-107. 

  33. Chi, W. C.*, Chen, W. J., Dolenc, D., Kuo, B. Y., Lin, C. R., & Collins, J. (2010). Seismological Report on the 2006 Typhoon Shanshan that Lits up Seismic Stations Along its Way. Seismological Research Letters, 81,4.

  34. Kuo, B. Y., Chi, W. C., Lin, C. R., Chang. E. T. Y., Collins, J., & Liu, C. S. (2010). Two-station measurement of Rayleigh-wave phase velocities for the Huatung basin, the westernmost Philippine Sea, with OBS: Implications for regional tectonics. Geophysical Journal International, 179, 1859-1869.

  35. Chiu, S. D., Chen, L., & Chi, W. C.* (2010). Upgraded Seismic Streamer Systems onboard Ocean Researcher One: Results from the Field Tests. Taiwan Mining, 62, 38-42.

  36. Chi, W. C.*, Chen, W. J., Kuo, B. Y., & Dolenc, D. (2010). Seismic Monitoring of Western Pacific Typhoons. Marine Geophysical Research, 2010-06 31,239-251.

  37. Hirtzel, J., Chi, W. C., Reed, D., Chen, L., Liu, C. S., & Lundberg, N. (2009). Destruction of Luzon forearc basin from subduction to Taiwan arc-continent collision. Tectonophysics, 479, 43-51.

  38. Chi, W. C., & Reed, D. (2008). Evolution of shallow, crustal thermal structure from subduction to collision: An example from Taiwan, Geological Society of America Bulletin. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 120(5/6), 679-690.

  39. Chi, W. C., & Hauksson, E. (2006). Fault-perpendicular aftershock clusters following the 2003 Mw=5.0 Big Bear, California, earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 33, L07301.

  40. Chi, W. C., Reed, D., & Tsai, C. C. (2006). Gas hydrate stability zone offshore southern Taiwan. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic sciences, Vol. 17, no. 4, 829-843.

  41. Chi, W. C., & Dreger, D. (2004). Crustal deformation in Taiwan: Results from finite source inversions of Six Mw>5.8 Chi-Chi aftershocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 109(B7).

  42. Zhang, J., Wang, C. Y., Shi, Y., Cai, Y., Chi, W. C., D. Dreger, Cheng, W. B., & Yuan, Y. H. (2004). Three-dimensional crustal structure in central Taiwan from gravity. Geophysics, 69(4), 917-924.

  43. Chi, W. C., Reed, D. L., Moore, G., Nguyen, T., Liu, C. S., & Lundberg, N. (2003). Tectonic wedging along the rear of the offshore Taiwan accretionary prism. Tectonophysics, 374(3-4), 199-217.

  44. Chi, W. C., & Dreger, D (2002). Finite Fault Inversion of the September 25, 1999 (Mw=6.4) Taiwan Earthquake: Implications for GPS displacements of Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake Sequence. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 29(14).

  45. Chi, W. C., Dreger, D., & Kaverina, A. (2001). Finite source modeling of the 1999 Taiwan (Chi-Chi) Earthquake derived from a dense strong motion network. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 91(5),1144-1157.

  46. Chi, W. C.*, Reed, D., Liu, C. S., & Lundberg, N. (1998). Distribution of the Bottom-Simulating Reflector in the Offshore Taiwan Collision Zone. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol. 9(4), 779-794.

MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS                                                    

  1. 戚務正(2017)可燃冰:台灣西南外海的天然氣水合物:地科搜查網

  2. 鄭婉言,林曉武,陳麗雯,楊燦堯,戚務正(2015)台灣鄰近海底冷泉與泥火山:能源與生物寶藏, 自然科學簡訊第二十七卷第一期, 30-35. 

  3. 戚務正 (2014) 國家能源型計畫-天然氣水合物, Taiwan Earthquake Center communication, v. 6, 3. 

  4. Chi, Wu-Cheng (2013) Gas hydrates: A possible alternative energy resources, Academia Sinica Weekly, v. 1432. 7-8.

  5. Chen, Liwen, Wu-Cheng Chi*, Char-Yu Lu, and Char-Shine Liu (2012) Estimating 1D vertical fluid migration rates and geothermal gradients in shallow marine sediments using bottom-simulating reflectors, Western Pacific Earth Sciences, v 11, 121-129.

  6. Chi, Wu-Cheng, Shao-Kai Wu, Ching-Ray Lee, John Chang, Chuen-Tien Shyu, and Way Lin (2011) Current Field Operations of Taiwan’s Geotherm Research: A Case Study of Crustal Geothermal Gradients in TungHo, Taitung, Taiwan, Taiwan Mining, Vol. 64, no. 4, p. 1-7.

  7. Chiu, Shye-Dong, Liwen Chen, and Wu-Cheng Chi* (2010) Upgraded Seismic Streamer Systems onboard Ocean Researcher One: Results from the Field Tests, Taiwan Mining, Vol. 62, no. 1, p. 38-42

Institute of Earth Sciences,

Academia Sinica

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