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Dr. Yi-Hsuan Wu (currently at IES)
Dr. Pascal Kunath (currently at IES, Academia Sinica and IONTU)
Dr. Rocio Bernal Olaya (now a faculty member at Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
Dr. Jah Fongngern (now a faculty member at Chiang Mai University, Tailand)
Research Assistants:
李思瑩 (Celine Lee) Ext:1508
PhD students:
楊筑方 (Kim Yang)
Sebastian Wege
Pascal Kunath (2021, PhD)
College student:
Freya Chen (Atmospheric Sciences, NTU)
Previous Lab members:
Dr. Pascal Kunath (now a Postdoc at Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica)
Dr. Liwen Chen (now an Associate Research Fellow at National Academy of Marine Research, Taiwan)
Dr. Jui-Hsien Wang (now a Research Engineer at Adobe)
Tahira Ashruf (TIGP Summer Student) now a Ph.D. student at University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Sourav Kumar Sahoo (TIGP Summer Student) now a postdoc at University of Southampton
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